Makes 1 drink
It is listed under desserts, because that is what this famous Irish Coffee drink is! A trip to Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco to The Buena Vista Café must be on everyone's list.
Irish Coffee is great any time of the day or night. Sugar cubes is the secret to this coffee.
6-oz. (175 g) brewed coffee
2 sugar cubes
1 1/2-oz. (42 g) (one jigger) Irish whiskey
heavy cream, lightly whipped
1. Fill the glass with very hot water to pre-heat, then empty.
2. Pour hot coffee into the glass, about three-quarters full.
3. Drop in two sugar cubes.
4. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
5. Add full jigger of Irish whiskey.
6. Pour the whipped cream gently over a spoon into the glass.
Bain sult as! (Irish)