Jerusalem Archokes

At least we can grown one huge crop in our yard!
(cannot get much fresher than these, pre-washed)
also called:

sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambur

1. Tubers store the carbohydrate inulin (not to be confused with insulin) instead of starch. (inulin: used to replace sugar,  fat, and flour), should be consumed in moderation at first.

2. Consistency much like potatoes; raw similar to potatoes, but sweeter, nuttier flavor.

3. They become soft and mushy if boiled, but they retain their texture better when steamed. The inulin is not well digested by some people, leading in some cases to flatulence and gastric pain.

4. 650 mg potassium per 1 serving, high in iron, and contain 10-12% of the US RDA of fiber, niacin, thiamine, phosphorus and copper

5. STORAGE: wrapped in plastic and refrigerate; keep up to two weeks, sweetness will increase. If you grow your own, refrigerate for 1-2 days (Plant one or two tubers will give you more than enough.)

See recipes: Jerusalem Archokes



Organic garlic has more sulphur content and hence more medicinal value: supports the cardiovascular system; may lower cholesterol, blood presser, triglyceride levels and may reduces the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer; has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal activity; is beneficial for the digestive system; aid in variety of skin disorders; is excellent remedy for whooping cough.

How to Plant:
Crack each bulb into individual cloves. Plant cloves with the root end down. Where winters are mild, plant cloves one inch deep (2,55 cm); where winters are severe, put them two to four inches (5-10 cm) deep. Mulch.

Garlic will double in size during its last stage of growth. If dug too soon, the cloves will not have grown to their maximum size. If bulbs are dug too late, they may have begun to split apart in the soil. Begin harvesting when the leaf tips start to brown. On an average, when about six plant leaves are still green.

It must be properly cured or dried for at least 10 to 14 days, with the stem and roots still on, in a cool location. After a couple of weeks they may be clipped off, leaving ¼ to ½ inch of the stem and roots. When the outer skins are dry and crispy, the garlic is ready for to be stored in clean onion bags.

Garlic Varieties: 
1. Hardneck
  • Rocambole (German Red) a rich, full-bodied taste, strong, hot, and spicy
  • porcelain similar to rocambole in flavor
  • purple stripe = the best baked garlic
  • Bavarian purple very hot and snappy flavor
  • music pungent flavor mellows when cooked
2. Softneck
  • artichoke garlic a mild flavor with a hint of spice
  • turban = Czech variety, pleasant flavor
  • silverskin = easy-to-grow, strong flavor, stores well
  • elephant garlic = very mild, tastes more like a leek
  • Italian late = one of the tastiest and most pungent verities for cooking
2. Garlic stems or Spears
Just before the plant blooms, cut a quarter of the stock, can be steamed, roasted, or raw cut in salads.

When to plant:
  • early spring: garlic chives, chives
  • spring: oregano, thyme
  • late spring: lemon verbena, rosemary, basil
  • fall: oregano, thyme
  • late winter: onions, leeks, shallots
  • any time: society garlic, Greek oregano, Rocambole garlic, silverskin garlic, parsley

Square foot (930 cm²) Gardening
-Great way to measure and plant
-Solving the problem of how many plants and distance away from each other
-Works well in small gardens or in containers

1. Garden is divided into beds, so that you can work on both sides.
2. Easiest for the first gardener: 4' x 4', 16 sq ft (1.5 m2) or 120 cm x 120 cm, 1.4 m2
3. Add more beds if you want to grown more food, have the land, or just excited about gardening!
4. Preparing a Lasagna Garden Soil:
In each bed, make a layer of 
  • 7-10 cm (2.8-4 inch) non-color newspapers
  • 5-7 cm (2-2.8 inch) peat moss
  • + 7 cm (2.8 inch) organic material (dried grass clippings, compost, died leaves, coffee grounds, etc.)
  • another layer of peat moss
  • repeat organic material
total = 45-60 cm (18-24 inch) deep
5. Make a grid out of string, sticks, etc. to form a square foot (930 cm²), which is where 
the plants will be placed.
6. How many plants in each section:
basil = 4 seeds                            oregano = 4 seeds
bush beans = 9                            peas = 4                 
cabbage = 1                                pepper = 1
cantaloupe = 1                            pole beans = 4
carrots = 16                               pumpkin = 1
cherry tomatoes = 1                    radish = 16
cilantro = 4 seeds                       rosemary = 4 seeds
cucumber = 1                             spinach = 9
eggplant = 1                              strawberries = 1
garlic = 4                                  sunflower = 2
leaf lettuce = 4                          thyme = 4 seeds
marigold = 2                             tomato = 1
onions = 16                               zucchini = 1
potato = 1                                 beets = 9
squash = 1                                cauliflower = 1

Combination Planting
1. summer savory and beans
2. oregano, thyme, and sweet alyssum
3. onions and salad greens
4. basil and tomatoes
5. "Three Sisters" (Native American) = squash, beans, and corn 
6. Chinese intercropping = double rows of garlic with a single row of spinach
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