This is a very appealing Italian way to prepare and present vegetables. Use these pickled vegetables on a buffet, table as a side-dish with grilled meats, toss them into a salad, top with canned tuna or a sliced chicken breast, or just toss them into a salad.
uno 1. Toss the vegetables with the vinegar.
due 2. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or up to overnight.
tre 3. Rinse and drain.
quattro 4. Pack the vegetables snugly into a glass jar with a lid.
cinque 5. Pour inter olive oil to cover them.
sei 6. Close the lid and refrigerate until ready to use.
sette 7. To serve, take out the vegetables needed and drizzle some of the curing oil on top.
otto 8. Save the oil to dress other salads.
Giardinera sott'Olio (Italain)
Use organic ingredients.
2 cups (260 g) each: carrot sticks, green beans (haricots vests), and small cauliflower florets
1 cup (130 g) sliced red onion
3 cups (720 ml) white-wine vinegar
2 cups (480 ml) olive oil or more as needed
due 2. Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or up to overnight.
tre 3. Rinse and drain.
quattro 4. Pack the vegetables snugly into a glass jar with a lid.
cinque 5. Pour inter olive oil to cover them.
sei 6. Close the lid and refrigerate until ready to use.
sette 7. To serve, take out the vegetables needed and drizzle some of the curing oil on top.
otto 8. Save the oil to dress other salads.