Rice is surveyed both for meals as well as for feasts. So add some interest to the dish.

There are many varieties of rice and culinary preferences around the world, which can be grown practically anywhere. Nutrient content of rice depends on the type of rice and the quality of the soil, plus how it is prepared.
Serves 4

1 cup (225 g) basmati rice or of your choice, rinse in cold water then drain
2 Tbs. (30 ml) olive oil
1-inch (2,5 cm) cinnamon stick
1/4 tsp. (1,5 ml) each: tomato purée & ground turmeric
1 Tbs. (15 g) organic raisins
1/4 tsp. (25 g) toasted almonds

optional spices:
-red pepper
-chilli flakes
-chili powder
-ground cumin
-black pepper
-your favorite spice(s)

optional ingredients:
-minced organic garlic
-organic peas
-diced organic red onion
-diced organic red bell pepper
-something you like with rice

I. Stovetop:
1. Add rice to a saucepan of boiling salt water for about 6 minutes.
 (a) or 2 cups (450 ml) organic chicken or vegetable stock or broth
2. Drain and rinse with some boiled water.
 (a) Rice will absorb the chicken stock.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
4. Add the cinnamon stick and the turmeric and/or other spice(s)
5. Add the boiled rice. Stir.
6. Mix in the tomato purée and the raisins and/or other ingredient(s)
7. Remove the cinnamon stick.
8. Serve with the toasted almonds.

II. Rice cooker:
1. Use 1 rice : 2 liquid.
2. Add everything to the cooker except the almonds.
3. Cook required time.
4. Remove the cinnamon stick.
5. Serve with toasted almonds.

Rice comes in many shapes and colors:



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