If you want a plant-base or dairy-free diet and cheese, try these steps.
Use organic if possible.
en 1. (Danish)
Nuts and Seeds: (choose 1)
4 ounce 115 g
- cashews
- almonds
- hazelnut
- walnuts
- pumpkin seeds
1. boil for an hour or more
2. rinse
tveir 2. (Icelandic)
2 Tbs. (30 ml)
- olive oil
- rapeseed oi
- or sunflower oil
kolme 3. (Finnish)
1 Tbs. + 1 tsp. (35 ml)
- water
- coconut milk
- oat milk
- or vegetable stock
quatre 4. (French)
1 Tbs. (15 ml)
- lime juice
- lemon juice
- or apple cider vinegar
πέντε /PEN-day/ & beş /besh/ 5. (Greek & Turkish)
- black pepper
- agave
- cumin
- paprika
- garlic
- or Italian seasoning
sechs 6. (German)
- black pepper
- agave
- cumin
- paprika
- garlic
- or Italian seasoning
sieben, sept, sette, set 7. (German, French, Italian, Romansh)
Raw or Roasted Vegetables:
- red peppers
- carrots
- kale
- or cucumber
acht 8. (Dutch)
1 1/2 Tbs. / 20 ml
- honey
- nutritional yeast
- miso
- brewer's yeast
- or chickpea flour
1. Blend in a food processor the ingredients for 1-2 minutes, until creamy.
2. Add a little water if needed.
3. Use:
- over a salad
- on roast vegetables
- on pizza
- as a cheesy sauce
The top 12 countries that consume the most cheese:
per person, per year
1st/ Denmark (62 lbs. / 28.1 kg)
2nd/ Iceland (61 lbs. / 27.7 kg)
3rd/ Finland (60.2 lbs. / 27.3 kg)
4th/ France (60 lbs. / 27.2 kg)
5th/ Cyprus (58.9 lbs. / 26.7 kg)
6th/ Germany (54.5 lbs. / 24.7 kg)
7th/ Switzerland (48.9 lbs. / 22.2 kg)
8th/ the Netherlands (46.7 lbs./ 21.6 kg)
9th/ Italy (47.4 lbs. / 21.5 kg)
10th/ Austria (46.5 lbs. / 21.1 kg)
11th/ Sweden (45.2 lbs. / 20.5 kg)
12th/ Estonia (44 lbs. / 20.0 kg)
U.S. follows Latvia (20 lbs. / 20 kg) and Israel (41.7 lbs. / 18.9 kg) with 37 lbs. / 16.8 kg per person (mainly in Wisconsin, California and Idaho)
Why do countries with cold climates eat more cheese?
They can chill and preserved cheese for future use.
-rated (2020) by Global dairy sector, the United States Department of Agriculture, the international dairy foundation and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)