Makes 1 cup (250 ml)
This basic combination can be used with a variety of dishes.
1 crush one clove of garlic*
1 cup (250 ml) olive oil
Combine the two in a sauce pan. Bring to a bubble over medium heat (about 3 minutes.) Reduce to low and cook another 10 minutes. Cool at room temperature (about 45 minutes). Refrigerate up to a week.
Harvesting garlic, from "Tacuinum sanitatis" (a 15th century medieval handbook on health and well being) >
*Garlic has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity.
- Garlic Oil Vinaigrette makes 1/3 cup (75 ml)
3 Tbs. (45 ml) of garlic oil
2 Tbs. (30 ml) each: red wine vinegar and grated Parmesan cheese
Whisk the ingredients.
- Vegetables* with Garlic Vinaigrette
1 bunch (1 lb./450 g) asparagus, trim the ends
1 bunch (1 lb/450 g) carrots, halved
2 Tbs. (30 ml) garlic oil
Steam the vegetables for about 5 minutes. Serve on a platter, drizzled with the garlic oil.
*Substitute any vegetables
- cooked summer squash drizzled with garlic oil
- cooked beets + garlic oil + parsley
- cooked spinach + garlic oil
- Pizza Crust
- Salad Dressing
- Mix with mashed organic potatoes.
- Use in place of olive oil.
- Garlic dipping
- Boiled dandelions