Tyle breezed in from Germany for three weeks in December (2014). He made this Palestinian vegetable dish [He learned while working with Palestinian and Israeli  teenagers last January.] for an extended family dinner. Vegetables can vary, depending on "what's in the refrigerator". He added the raisins for more color.
(Arabic) رأسا على عقب رايس مع الخضار
(Hebrew) במהופך אורז עם ירקות
Side dish for 14
with left-overs

A. Rice Ring:
1. Put rice in a pot and add water until it come up to the first joint on the index finger above the rice (stick a finger in the water to measure!) [Tyle lives in a yurt, in northern Germany, and when he cooks, it is for very large group of people in the common kitchen.]
2. Low the heat so it will not burn. Cook for about 30 minutes. "If you use a glass lid, you can see the rice absorbing the water."
3. Remove the lid only so often as to check if it is done.
4. Turn off the heat and let it sit with the lid off. "If you cook it too long, it becomes gummy."
5. Once it cooled a little and the rice is stuck together, put a tray on top of the pot and turn the whole thing upside down.
6. Shake the pot a little and it  should come out as a cake "but it does not always work...even for Palestinians!"

B. Vegetables: "What is in the refrigerator. Choose three different vegetables by color-something green, orange, yellow, white, red..."
1. Cook the vegetables. [Redness in the picture are organic beets.]

C. Spices: "I used garam masala, curry, cardamon, cloves, chile, or whatever you have."
Middle Eastern spices: cumin, nutmeg, cardamom, turmeric, sumac, caraway seeds, aniseed, cinnamon, baharat*  (Arabic بهارات means "spice" (=a Middle Eastern spice blend)

D. Presentation: Add the vegetables around the rice on the tray. Decorate the tray with whatever else you are serving, example peanuts and raisins in this case. "Color and contrast are always important!"

* Make your own baharat:
1 Tbs. (15 ml) each: cumin seeds and black peppercorns
2 tsp. (10 ml) coriander seeds
1 tsp. (5 ml) each: ground cinnamon and whole cloves
1/2 tsp. 2,25 ml) paprika
1/4 tsp. (1,25 ml) ground nutmeg

1. Heat a small skillet over medium-high heat and dry roast the whole spices/seeds (except paprika, cinnamon and nutmeg) until they become very fragrant, about 3-4 minutes. Toss regularly to prevent scorching.
2. Transfer to a bowl and let cool. Add paprika, cinnamon and nutmeg before grinding them in a spice or coffee grinder.
3. Store in an airtight glass jar.

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