'Looking for a tasty dish, full of protein, vitamins, and minerals for dinner? Try...
Quinoa polenta con funghi crema (Italian)
Quinoa polenta aux champignons à la crème (French)
Serves 4

*A. 2 cups (470 ml) of Basic Boiled Quinoa (Save the rest for other dishes.)
 to make: 
just a little less than a cup (210 ml) of water 
1 cup (249 ml) quinoa (thoroughly rinsed)

1. Bring to a boil, add quinoa.
2. Return to boil, and cook over medium heat for 12 minutes or until quinoa has absorbed all the water.
 (a) If you are using black or red quinoa, it requires 5-10 minutes longer.
3. Remove from the heat, fluff, cover, and let stand for 5 minutes.
4. If it taste bitter, rinse with cold water until bitterness is gone. Drain, return to the saucepan, cover and steam until dry, about 5 minutes.

B. Polenta: a boiled cornmeal gluten-free dish from Italy, France, and Switzerland

which was a common dish since Roman times!
Two ways to prepare: #1 instant polenta, or #2 packaged organic roll polenta, either plan or with herbs

#1 instant polenta:
3 cups (710 ml) water
1 bay leave
2-3 slightly bruised garlic cloves
1/2 cup (120 ml) instant organic polenta
1 cup (240 ml) Basic Boiled Quinoa*

1/3 cup (80 g) grated Parmesan or Italian manchego cheese  (or dairy-free cheese)
1. Bring water to a boil over medium heat.
2. Add the bay leave and garlic.
3. Gradually pour polenta into the boiling water. Whisk constantly until it thickens, about 5 minutes.
4. Remove the bay leaf and garlic.
5. Add the Basic Boiled Quinoa, stir, and cook 10-15 minutes until desired thickness.
6. Mix in the cheese.
7. Transfer to a buttered pan and keep warm.

#2 packaged polenta:

1. Cook as directed.

C. Creamed Mushrooms:

2 Tbs. (30 ml) each: organic (dairy-free) butter and olive oil
1 bunch sliced scallions or on onion
1 pound (450 g) mushrooms
1 Tbs. (15 ml) quinoa flour or one of your choice (gluten-free flour if needed)
1/2 cup (120 ml) organic vegetable broth
1 cup (240 ml) organic yogurt (or dairy-free yogurt)
2 Tbs. (30 ml) chopped fresh dill or 2 tsp. (10 ml) dried dill
pinch or two of black pepper
2 Tbs. (30 ml) dry sherry (substitute: sake, mirin, Balsamic vinegar, or red wine vinegar

1. Heat the butter and oil over medium head to sauté the scallions/onions.

2. Add the mushrooms and cook until they are tender and half of the liquid is gone, about 5 minutes.
3. Sprinkle the flour and cook, stirring for a minute.
4. Add the broth (amount of broth determines a thin or thick sauce, start with a 1/2 cup/120 ml), yogurt, dill, black pepper, sherry/vinegar, and cook another minute.

D. To serve:
1. Using #1: Cut the polenta into 4 piece, place on plates.
2. Using #2: Cut pieces, place on plates.
2. Top with mushroom sauce, sprinkle with paprika and (optional) a spring of dill.

-modified Cooking with Ancient Grains

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