The artichoke is mentioned as a garden plant in the 8th century BCE by the Greek author, Homer. It found its way into many dishes all a way around the Mediterranean to this day.
Artichokes are rich in cyanarin, chlorogenic acid, and other compounds that boost the liver's detox pathways, protect against oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of liver damage.
They can be green or two shades of purple. Try them all.

They can be green or two shades of purple. Try them all.

A. Cooking and eating:
1. Cut off the sharp leaf tips with a knife or scissors.
2. Don't boil the artichoke. Steam in few inches/cm of water and bring to a low boil, then cover but not entirely, leaving the lid cracked.
3. Cooking times:
- steam for about 50 minutes.
- microwave in individually wrapped plastic for 8-15 minutes.
- pressure cooker for 20 minutes.
4. Done, when you pull at a leaf and it comes away with little resistance.
5. Drain them upside down on a paper towel.
6. Nibble or scrape off the tender bits of the bottom of the leaf by putting the leaf in your mouth, closing your teeth on it, and pulling it outwards.
7. Stop when the leaves look a bit different than the outer leaves, a little purple.
8. Pull off the center leaves.
9. It is almost a hairy growth just on top of the heart of the artichoke. Remove the choke using gently strokes with a spoon.
10. The part that can be eaten as well.
B. Methods of eating:
1. Steam whole artichokes and serve them with warm olive oil infused with rosemary and garlic.
II. Toss chopped artichokes hearts with cannelloni beans, black olives, roasted red peppers, and baby arugula.
III. Quarter baby artichokes, grill until tender, and toss with dressing of minced shallots, grapefruit juice, and olive oil.
IV. Steam whole artichokes. Dip the leaf ends and heart in:
- (dairy-free) mayonnaise
- mixture of garlic and (dairy-free) butter
- mixture of oil, salt, and vinegar
- melted (dairy-free) butter
- ranch dressing