This Lebanese process should be pounded not chopped for the best favor. The mashed garlic is used in salad dressings, mezzo items, soups, stews, pasta...every single dish.
(Arabic) /maejun althawm/ معجون الثوم
Pâte d'ail (French)
Makes 1 Tbs. (15 g)
Make several such small packages at one time.
Just two ingredients to make one "package".
6 organic garlic cloves
1 tsp. (5 g) sea salt
1. Peel and cut the garlic lengthwise.
(a) Toss out the clove if it contains a green shoot, which means that it is old.
2. Chop the garlic fine and place in the mortar with the salt.
3. Pound for 2-3 minutes until the mixture is like a paste.
4. Use right away or store in the freezer, wrapped in plastic wrap and place in an airtight container.
5. Store the small packages for future usages.
-modified Taste of Beirut
-modified Taste of Beirut
Best time is mid-autumn or early spring.
Place an organic garlic clove in good drainage and organic soil; clay soils is not good. Break the cloves from a fresh garlic head. Plant larger cloves for large heads of garlic. pointed end up. Push into the soil about 8 inches (20cm) apart. Cover with mulch: hay, dry leaves, straw, compost, well rotted manure, or well rotted organic grass clippings.
Water when needed; garlic hates wet soil. It needs hot, dry summer for the bulbs to mature. Long green stocks will grow. Remove some to chop and add to dishes. The flowers can be chopped and used in dishes.
Once the stocks turn yellow or brown, dig up with a fork. Hang up to "cure" for 2 weeks. Ideal temperature is 80F (26C).
Once cured, the outer flaky layers of the bulb can be brushed off. Trim the tops and the roots, and store in a cold, dry place. The green stocks can be eaten also.