The sauce is typically found in Catalan and Valencian cuisines. It is a thicken juice, added as a seasoning during the cooking of a recipe. Historically, picada of almonds dated back to medieval dishes.
Salsa Picada de Catalunya (Catalan)

1/4 cup (30 g) organic blanched almonds
2 Tbs. (30 ml) olive oil
1 slice day-old bread, crusts removed, torn into. 1-inch (2,55 cm) pieces
2 organic garlic cloves, peeled
3 Tbs. (45 g) minced parsley
8 ounces (225 g) oyster or button mushrooms
1 tsp. (5 ml) sherry vinegar

un 1. Heat the almonds with a Tbs. (15 ml) oil in a skillet over medium heat.
dos 2. Cook, stirring often, until almonds are golden brown, 3-6 minutes.
tres 3. Transfoer almonds to food processor.
quatre 4. Increase the heart under the skillet to medium, add bread and cook, stirring until toasted, 2-4 minutes.
cinc 5. Transfer the bread to the processor.
sis 6. Add garlic and process until mixture is finely ground, about 20 seconds.
set 7. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, stir in parsley, and set aside.
vuit 8. Serve with
  • chicken
  • potatoes
  • plantains
  • meats
  • yuca
  • soups
  • stews
  • vegetables
  • fish
  • mussels
  • Argentina picada are served with ham, cured ham, pepperoni, sausages, blue cheese, pecorino, parmiggiano, served with dips, bread, olives, and nuts.

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