The potatoes originated in Peru or Bolivia and were brought to Spain by the early explorers, then spread throughout Europe.
Les Papes Bullides (Catalan)
Las Papas Hervidas (Spanish)
(Boiled potatoes)
Serves 4
1 1/2 pounds (675 g) organic potatoes
5 Tbs. (75 ml) olive oil
4 sliced organic garlic cloves
1 tsp. (5 ml) each: cumin and crushed chilies
3 tsp. (15 ml) paprika
2 Tbs. (30 ml) red wine vinegar
1 organic red bell pepper, sliced
-Catalan numbers-
un 1. Cook the potatoes in boiling stated water until tender when poked with a folk.
dos 2. Drain, peel or not.
tres 3. Heat the oil and sauté the potatoes until golden color.
quatre 4. Crush together the garlic, chilies, and cumin.
cinc 5. Mix in the paprika and vinegar.
sis 6. Add the garlic mixture to the potatoes with the bell pepper. Cook about 2 minutes.
set 7. Serve warm.
Bona gana! (Catalan)
¡Buen Provecho! (Spanish)