Sauces / Kastikkeet are great for leftovers. There are many types, but some can be made with the basic "white sauce" peruskastike and add an herb, etc.

Peruskastike (Finnish)
"basic sauce"
 1 cup (240 ml)

Use the sauce and add any of the below items.

2 Tbs. (30 ml) (dairy-free) organic butter
2 Tbs. (30 g) (gluten-free) flour
1 cup (240 ml) organic: (dairy-free) cream, chicken, fish, or beaf broth

yksi 1. Melt the butter.

kaksi 2. Stir in the flour until it is smooth.

kolme 3. Slowly stir in one of the liquids.

neljä 4. Cook and keep staring until it is smooth and thick.


"Dill sauce"

viisi 5. Add 2 Tbs. (18 g) chopped dill or 1 tsp. (2 g) of dry

kuusi 6. Serve with wild fish; organic vegetables or eggs.


"Lemon sauce"

viisi 5. Add 2 Tbs. (30 ml) organic lemon juice.

kuusi 6. Serve with wild fish; organic vegetables, eggs, or chicken.


"Chives sauce"

viisi 5. Add 2 Tbs. (18 g) chopped chives.

kuusi 6. Serve with wild fish; grass-feed veal or beef; organic eggs


"Curry sauce"

~Use chicken broth~

viisi 5. Add 1 tsp. (2 g) curry.

kuusi 6. Serve with wild fish; grass-feed veal; organic chicken, eggs or rice


"Caprice Sauce"

~Use beef broth~

viisi 5. Add 2 Tbs. (30 g) capers.

kuusi 6. Serve with cold sliced cooked grass-feed beef or veal; organic eggs

Try "Finnish Hollandaise Sauce":

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