Add to fish, vegetables, or on meat.
Hollantilainen Kastike (Finnish)
"Dutch Sauce"
Mades 2 cups (480 ml)
1/4 cup (60 g) soft (dairy-free) organic butter
2 Tbs. (30 g) (gluten-free) flour
3 organic egg yolks
1 1/2 cups (360 ml) vegetable
dash of organic sugar and pepper
2 Tbs. (30 ml) organic lemon juice
yksi 1. In a double boiler, rub in the butter and flour.
kaksi 2. Add the egg yolks, one at a time.
kolme 3. Place the pot over boiled water.
neljä 4. Slowly whip in the broth.
viisi 5. Cook until thickened.
kuusi 6. Beat in the sugar, pepper, and lemon juice.
seitsemän 7. Serve over the fish.