I always seem to buy more spinach and never finish it. I needed pesto sauce for a pasta dish...hence-Mike
Pesto di spinaci e orzo (Italian)
Serves 4 dishes
A. Ingredients:
2 cups (60 g) organic spinach
1/2 cup (65 g) thawed, organic frozen peas
1/4 cup (30 g) organic toasted nuts, example pine or cashew
1/4 cup (60 ml) olive oil
1/4 cup (55 g) parmesan or diary-free cheese
organic garlic
1. Pulse in a food processor
B. Grains:
2 cups (330 g) cooked, organic barley or farro (Both are not gluten-free.)
1. barley
(a) 6 cups (1440 ml) water or organic stock + pinch of sea seat + barley
(b) Bring to a boil over high heat.
(c) Lower the heat and simmer cover, about 25 minutes
(d) If there is little liquid in the pan, let it sit for 10 more minutes. If there is a lot of liquid, drain over the sink.
(e) Fluff with a folk.
1. farro:
(a) Fill a medium pot half full of water or organic stock.
(b) Bring to a boil and add the farro.
(c) Reduce the heat and simmer until it is tender, chewy and still al dente bite, about
(1c) pearled farro: 15-20 minutes
(2c) semi-pearl: 20-30 minutes
(3c) whole farro: about 40 minutes
(d) Drain and spread on a large plate or sheet pan to cook and dry, 20 minutes.
C. Toss the grains with the spinach mixture.