Do you want mayonnaise without eggs but with more protein? Try this creamy alternative.

クリーミー豆腐マヨネーズ (Japanese)
/kurīmī tōfu mayonezu/
(i /long e/)
Makes enough for 4 salads

8 ounce (225 g) organic soft tofu 豆腐
2 Tbs. (30 ml) grapeseed or olive oil
1-2 Tbs. (15-30 ml) organic lemon juice
1 tsp. (5 g) each: dry mustard and miso
little maple or agave syrup

/ichi/ 1. Rinse and drain tofu.

/ni/ 2. Place in a blender or food processor.

/san/ 3. Str with 1 Tbs. (15 ml) of lemon juice.

/shi/ 4. While mixing, add remaining toppings and scraping down sides.

/go/ 5. Add more lemon and mustard to taste.

/roku/ 6. Add a splash of water if you like thinner consistency.

  /shichi/ 7. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

  /hachi/ 8. Serve over any type of salad, vegetables, fish, or meat.

Try some of other sauces for all types of dishes:

also Tofu Basil Mayonnaise:

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