Butternut squash can be baked, roasted, or microwaved. It does not need to be peeled, but do remove the seeds (Clean, save, and roast them, if you like. Eat the seeds as a snack or sprinkled over other foods.)

करी बटरनट स्क्वैश (Hindi)
/karee bataranat skavish/
Serves 6
Preheat the oven to 350F (175C)

1 organic butter squash, cut in half and remove the seeds, cut into cubes
chopped organic onion(s)
piece of ginger
coriander seeds
curry powder
organic cherry tomatoes
2 cans of organic pineapple rings, save the juice
1 can of organic coconut milk
can of organic chickpeas (garbañzo beans)
organic spinach
cilantro or parsley for garnish
olive oil

  • cooked basmati rice 
  • crushed cashews or peanuts
  • lime wedges

एक /ek/ 1. Add oil to a roasting pan.

दो /do/ 2. Mix the squash cubes in the oil and bake for an hour.

तीन /teen/ 3. Sauté the onions, ginger, and spices in a dry-pan.

चार /char/ 4. Add the tomatoes and pineapple. Cook for 10 minutes.

पांच /panch/ 5. Pulse in a blender along with the coconut milk. 

: /chay/ 6. Return to the pan and add the chickpeas, spinach, pineapple juice, and optional nuts

सात /sāth/ 7. Stir until it becomes thick.

आठ /āt/ 8. Stir in the squash. Then sprinkle the garnish on top and optional lime wedges.

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