un /un/ 1. Place lettuce on serving platter.
dos /doos/ 2. Boil the potatoes uncovered for 10 minutes or until tender; drain and set aside.
tres /th-re-ss/ 3. Steam the green beans, asparagus, and optionals Brussels spouts for 5 minutes.
quatre /KAH-tray/ 4. Place each vegetable on the bed of lettuce.
cinc /seenk/ 5. Add the tuna and white beans in the center.
sièis /seei-s/ 6. Place the tomatoes, eggs, and olives around the lettuce.
1/2 cup (120 ml) olive oil
2 Tbs. (30 ml) organic lemon juice
1/2 tsp. (2,5 g) Dij0n mustard
1 Tbs. (15 g) each minced: organic shallots and dill
1 Tbs. (15 ml) organic maple syrup
sèt /seht/ 7. Whisk all the ingredients.
uèit /wait/ 8. Drizzle over the salad.
nòu /noou/ 9. Sprinkle parsley on top, with optional lemon wedges.
Try some other salads: https://veggiefernandezs.blogspot.com/search/label/salads