Cilantro Pesto Sauce

This is a great reciepe that I just made up tonight! We had all this cilantro sitting in glasses in our herb garden window that needed to be eaten up soon. So we had taco's... and I came up with this mixture. There aren't any measurements for you to go by, because most of the time I just "eye" it as I mix things together.


1 bunch of fresh cilantro
a few sprinkles of garlic powder and chili powder
olive oil
2 Tbsps water
1/4 cup Daiya "Dairy-free" cheese
4 capfuls of Lime juice


Put the bunch of cilantro, with stems and leaves; water, olive oil into a puree for a few seconds. Puree until a smooth paste. Add lime juice, cheese, and spices and puree again until a creamy paste.

Add to taco salad.. =)

we also thought we might use this for a pasta pesto.. so wait and see if that taste's good and we'll add it here soon ! =)

- Alia


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