Our yellow squash plant produced its first squash. We used this on pasta, then a side dish the next night.

2 Tbs. (30 ml) olive oil
1 yellow squash and 1 Italian squash (from our open market), shredded
1 large organic tomato (maybe from our garden next month), cut into chunks
  or a small can of organic tomatoes
3 or more chopped cloves of garlic
1 cup (240 g) walnuts
handful of chopped herbs: lemon thyme, basil, rosemary, parsley, and sage (all from our garden)

1. Sauté all the ingredients until the squashes are tender, + 5 minutes.
2. Thick with flour or protein powder (which I used).
3. Add the herbs and simmer a few minutes.

  • on pasta with grated cheese (of your choice)
  • as a side dish
  • over rice or quinoa
  • in risotto
Chop the squashes into small pieces for:
  • tacos (add some lime juice)
  • appetizer dip with chips
  • on bruschetta

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