Sofregit is in almost every Catalan sauce and stewed dish. It is simpler than the Italian soffritto or battuto and Castilian sofrito. The sauce was mentioned back in ca 1324. Its meaning is "underfry or fry lightly". At first, it was just olive oil and onions, then tomatoes were introduced from America, post-1492. 

1- 1 1/2 cups (240-300 ml)

olive oil
3 organic onions, chopped
6 organic tomatoes (grated or peeled and chopped)

1. Cover the skillet with at least 1/2 inch (125 mm) of oil.
2. Heat for several minutes.
3. Add the onions and reduce the heat. Cook uncovered until the onions wilted and turned golden-brown, to caramelize the onions.
4. Mix in the tomatoes and cook until all liquid has evaporated.
5. Herbs can be added now.

6. Try it in:
  • rice and mushroom dish
  • over meats or fish
  • vegetable dishes
-modified  Catalan Cuisine

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