/nasu to bajiro no gurīnkarē/
बैंगन और तुलसी के साथ ग्रीन करी (Hindi)
/baiǹgana aura tulasī kē sātha grīna karī/
Serves 3-4
Prepare cooked rice or couscous, then...
1/2 medium sliced eggplant
1 can coconut milk
4 Tbs. (60 ml) green curry paste
1/2 large organic red bell pepper, cut into thin slices
1 cup (240 ml) fresh basil leaves
1 Tbs. (15 ml) dry basil
2 Tbs. (30 ml) brown sugar
1 tsp.(5 ml) soy sauce (liquid aminos-gluten free)
10 or more mushrooms
2 Tbs. (30 ml) olive oil
1. In a medium pot, heat oil and add curry paste, fry until very fragrant.
2. Add coconut milk, stir until combined. Cook until mixture rises to a simmer.
3. Add eggplant and pepper slices.
4. When liquid comes to a bubble, add sugar, soy sauce, and mushrooms.
5. Cook until eggplant is tender, about 20-30 minutes.
6. Stir in the dry basil. Cook a few more minutes
7. Remove from heat.
8. Place on a plate or in a bowl. Toss in fresh basil leaves and serve hot, over rice.
We had couscous with roasted sliced walnuts, raisins, and parsley on top,
with mixed salad, small bowl of organic peanuts, and mango cutney.