Hungarian or Magya cuisine is based on meats, seasonal vegetables, fruits, fresh bread, dairy products, and cheeses. Mixing different types of meats is traditional, but this is just chicken. Add all the other ingredients, and it is not "just chicken".

In Hungary, there are eight varieties of paprika. In the U.S., it is often labeled Hungarian Sweet Paprika. 

Chirke Paprikás
Serves 6
4 Tbs. (60 ml) (diary-free) butter
1 chopped onion
3 pound (1,35 kg) organic or free-range chicken (whole-cut up or 6 boneless, skinless
thighs or breasts)
1 organic bell pepper, chopped
1 large organic tomato, chopped or 1 14.5 ounce (410 g) organic chopped can tomatoes,
1 chopped garlic clove
1 Tbs. (15 g) sweet or hot Hungarian paprika*
black pepper to taste
¾ cups (180 ml) water
1 cup (240 ml) plain, organic yogurt (or dairy-free yogurt)
2 Tbs. (30 ml) (gluten-free) flour

egy 1. Heat the butter in a Dutch oven or large skillet with a lid.
ketö 2. Add the onions and sauté over low heat about 4 minutes.
három 3. Add the chicken pieces and brown lightly on both sides.
négy 4. Add the bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, black pepper, and paprika.
öt 5. Stir in the water and bring to a boil. 
hat 6. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and cook 35 minutes or until the chicken is tender. (about 20 minutes if using chicken breast)
heet 7. Remove chicken to a heated platter and keep warm.
nyolc 8. In a small bowl, mix the yogurt and flour with some of the pan juice.
kilenc 9. Pour into the pan and simmer until thicken.
tíz 10. Add the chicken to rewarm.
tizenegy 11. Serve with boil rice or type of German spaetzle, called nakedly.

*  benefits of paprika: rich in vitamin E, A, C, and nutrients; anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, and antioxidants; helps lower blood pressure

gathering paprika peppers

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