Eggplants contain anthocyantidines, protein antioxidants that inhibits skin cancer and damage caused by UV exposure. Other sources are blueberries, red onions, red cabbage, and black rice. Make some different, interesting, and tasty dish from organic
- Cut eggplant into strips, toss with garlic, thyme, and olive oil, and roast until tender.
- Halve and roast eggplants, then scoop the flesh into a food processor and purée with olive oil, tahini, organic lemon juice, and garlic.
- Cut crosswise into thin slices and grill over hot coals, then sprinkle with mince rosemary.
- Make a sandwich with roasted the eggplant, scrap out the inside, layer on a tasted bun or bread, add caramelized onions, organic roasted red peppers, and (dairy-free) goat cheese.
- Eggplant dish with caramelized roasted eggplant over stewed organic lentils with crunchy roasted organic pine nuts. Add light, creamy tahini sauce.