The walnut sauce is a traditional Lebanese used with grilled or broiled fish. I think the sauce does well with other dishes as well.
(Arabic)/salsat aljawz/ صلصة الجوز
Makes 2 cups (5dl)
1 1/2 cups (300 g) organic walnuts, soaked for an hour, drain, pat dry, then ground into powder
1 Tbs. (15 g) garlic paste
1/2 cup (120 ml) organic lemon juice
1/4 t0 1/2 (60-120 ml) water
1/2 tsp. (2,5 g) ground chili
(a) some black pepper
(b) cilantro pesto
1/2 cup (120 ml) organic lemon juice
1/4 t0 1/2 (60-120 ml) water
1/2 tsp. (2,5 g) ground chili
(a) some black pepper
(b) cilantro pesto
1. Sauté chopped cilantro with the garlic paste (above) in little olive oil, then add the walnut sauce.
1. Process all ingredients in a food processor.
2. Taste and adjust seasoning, add either/or "optionals".
3. Drizzle the sauce over the fish before grilling or broiling.
See: Grilled Fish Fillet with Walnut Sauce:
1. Process all ingredients in a food processor.
2. Taste and adjust seasoning, add either/or "optionals".
3. Drizzle the sauce over the fish before grilling or broiling.
See: Grilled Fish Fillet with Walnut Sauce: