Our family lived in West Berlin for 6 years. Bratwurst, Kartoffelsalat mit (with) dunkles (dark) Bier were a favorite of my mom and mine.-Mike
Berliner Kartoffelsalat (German)

2 pounds (910 g) organic potatoes (Kartoffeln)
1 organic diced onion (Zwiebel)
1/3 cup (00 ml) vinegar (Essig)
1/8 tsp. (16 g) organic sugar (Zucker)
2 tsp. (10 ml) chopped parsley (Petersilie)
2 dill pickles or German pickles (Gurken) (a gherkin-cucumber pickled in a brine, vinegar and fermented)
caraway seeds (Kümmel )
2 Tbs. (30 ml) olive oil (Olivenöl )

eins 1. Boil the unpeeled potatoes with some salt and the caraway until the potatoes are tender.
zwei 2. Peel and slice while still warm.
drei 3. Place in a large salad bowl.
vier 4. Boil onions, pickles, some salt and pepper, vinegar, and oil in a little water until the onions are tender.
fünf 5. Pour over the potatoes.
sechs 6. Mix and let cool for 2 hours.
sieben 7. Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

Prost! 🍺
🍺 Cheers!

Try "Russian Potato Salad / Картофельный Салат (Russian) / kartofelʹnyy salat/:


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