Skip the fat in white sauce; add vegetable to pasta.

Salsa di cavolfiore (Italian)

Serves 4-6 plates

1 Tbs. (15 ml) olive oil
3 sliced organic garlic cloves
1/2 cup (65 g) diced organic onion
organic cauliflower, cut into small pieces
(dairy-free) milk

uno 1. Sauté the garlic in oil over medium heat.

due 2. Remove garlic.

tre 3. Sauté the basil and onions about 5 minutes.

quattro 4. Stir in the cauliflower.

cinque 5. Add enough milk to it half-covered

sei 6. Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered 10-15 minutes.

sette 7. Purée. Add water if necessary for a creamy sauce.

otto 8. Toss with (gluten-free) pasta of choice.

nove 9. Sprinkle the top with parsley.

Add color to the sauce with

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