Misir Wat or Misir Wot is one of Ethiopia's most popular vegetarian dishes as well as a staple throughout the country.

ሚስር ዋት (Amharic)
/mīsiri wati/
Serves 4

3 Tbs. (45 ml) olive oil
1 or 2 organic red onions, chopped
2 Tbs. (30 g) tomato paste
4 tsp. (20 g) grated ginger
3-4 organic garlic cloves, minced
3 tsp. (6 g) paprika
2 tsp. (4 g) coriander
1 tsp. (2 g) each: cumin, cayenne pepper, fenugreek, cardamon, cinnamon, nutmeg, & allspice
2 cups (480 ml) water
1 cup (130 g) organic red lentils, rinsed
4 organic tomatoes, chopped
red wine vinegar

አንዶ  /and/ . 1. Sauté onions in oil over medium-high heat, 5-7 minutes.

ሁለት  /hulätt/ 2. Add tomato paste and all the spices, cook about a minute.

ሶስት  /sost/ 3. Stir in the water, lentils, tomatoes, bring to a simmer.

አራት  /aratt/ 4. Reduce the heat to low, simmer, stir, cook 15-25 minutes.

አምስት  /amməst/ 5. Season with red wine vinegar to taste.

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