Espinac Estil Català (Catalan)
a plate of tapas

It can be made into a larger dish for dinner or a side dish.

3 Tbs. (45 g) each: pine nuts and raisins
4 lbs. (2 kg) organic spinach
1/2 cup (100 ml) olive oil
1 chopped garlic clove
herbs that go well with spinach: cumin, cloves, cardamon, nutmeg, black pepper
2 slices of white bread, crusts removed, cut into triangles

1. un. Soak the raisins in hot water.
2. dos. Wash and remove any tough stalks of the spinach.
3. tres. Bring a large pan of salt water to a boil.
4. quatre. Add the spinach, cook 3 minutes.
5. cinc. Drain the spinach, plunge it into large bowl of cold water, then drain.
6. sis. Chop the spinach roughly.
7. set. Warm the oil over very low heat.
8. vuit. Add the garlic, pine nuts, drained raisins, and spinach.
9. nou. Season well and cook 20 minutes, stir occasionally.
10. deu. Let stand 15 minutes.
11. onze. Warm some oil in a skillet over medium heat.
12. dotze. Fry the bread until golden on both sides.
13. tretze. Serve the spinach garnished with the bread triangles.

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