Chickpeas were first grown in the Mediterranean and Middle East, but are now found across the world. It is also known as garbañzo beans. They are a good source of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, plus used in many dishes. Try with rice!
A. Cooked rice
B. Stir each before adding the next ingredient.
1. Sauté onions.
2. Add two minced garlic cloves.
3. Add 2 Tbs. (30 g) curry or more to taste.
4. Add 1 cup (240 ml) organic vegetable or chicken broth.
5. Add 1 can of organic coconut milk.
6. Add 2 Tbs. organic chopped walnuts.
7. Add 2 Tbs. organic honey.
8. Add 2 cans organic chickpeas.
9. Cook about 10 minutes.
10. Mix with cooked rice.
Serve with naan bread.
A Uyghur from East and Central Asia
naan baker in Kashgar, city in China.
Store bought is easier.