When sweet potatoes are baked, they are have a higher content of vitamin C. Add cheese and eggs and you have a nutritional breakfast!
📌Sweet potato originated between the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico and the mouth of the Orinoco River, Venezuela about 5 000 years ago. By 2500 BCE, it had spread to the Caribbean and rest of South America
organic sweet potatoes (dark orange flesh has higher vitamin A)
1 Tbs. (15 ml) olive oil
(dairy-free) butter
2 tsp. (10 ml) vinegar
organic eggs
(dairy-free) hard cheese
black pepper
chiles to taste
1. Peel and cut the sweep potatoes in bite size pieces.
2. Place half the sweep potatoes in a pan of salted water and bring to boil.
3. Cook about 10 minutes.
4. Heat oil with a little butter in a skillet over medium heat.
5. Add the rest of the sweet potatoes and fry for 8-10 minutes, toss, until golden brown.
6. Drain the boiled potatoes and mash them.
7. Add to the skilled and season with black pepper to taste. Cook a few minutes.
8. Remove from the heat and keep warm.
9. Bring water with the vinegar to a boil.
10. Reduce to a simmer.
11. Poach the eggs for 3-4 minutes.
12. Plate with the potatoes and poached egg on top.
13. Add crumble cheese and sprinkle with parsley and chiles.
🔖Side notes:
1. Sweet potato leaves are edible and can be prepared like spinach or turnip greens.
2. If white "roots" form on an old sweep potato, it is not edible. But you insert three toothpicks, set in a jar of water, and vines will form. Repot in soil and have a nice plant.
3. If anyone still has an aquarium, sweet potato vines make a nice trailing out of the water with its roots submerged. Plus it removes waste product of aquatic life, which improves the living conditions for fish.
4. Grow your own: Plant in full sun 3-4 weeks after the last frost, mature in 90-170 days. Make holes 6 inches (15 cm) deep and 12 inches (30 cm) apart. Bury slips up to the top leaves, press the soil down gently, water well.