To add spice to this toast, add hassia!
(Arabic) سردين زعتر افوكادو توست
/sardin zaetar afukadu tust/
Makes 1 sandwich

1 can oil sardines, drained
1-2 Tbs. harissa
1 Tbs. (9 g) chopped cilantro or parsley
1 mashed organic avocado
1 Tbs. (15 ml) organic lemon juice
2 minced organic garlic cloves
za'atar, garlic powder, and cumin to taste
toasted (gluten-free) bread of choice

organic lemon zest
chopped cilantro or parsley
pomegranate molasses
slice of organic lemon

~Standard Arabic~

وا حد /waah-heet/ ١ 1. Mash the sardines.

إثنان /eth-naan/ ٢ 2. Add the harissa, cilantro/parsley, lemon juice, garlic, and cumin. Mix well.

ثلاثة /theh-uh-bah-ah/ ٣ 3. Mashed avocado with za'atar. 

أربعة /ahr-uh-hah-ah/ ٤ 4. Spread the avocado on toast. Top with the harissa sardines.

خمسة /hahm-sah/ ٥ 5. Add any garnish.

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