Serve for lunch with a sandwich if you like.
Purjokeitto (Finnish)
Serves 4

5 organic leeks, peeled and cut into fourths
2 organic potatoes, diced
3 cups (720 ml) organic beef broth
1 organic egg yolk
1/2 cup (120 ml) (dairy-free) cream, milk, or yogurt
chopped chives

yksi 1. Put the leeks and potatoes in a cup (240 ml) beef broth.

kaksi 2. Simmer over medium heat for about 30 minutes.

kolme 3. Process in a blender.

neljä 4. Return to the pot and add the rest of the broth. 

viisi 5. Bring to a boil.

kuusi 6. Stir the egg yolk with the cream/milk/yogurt.

seitsemän 7. Pour into the boiling water, stir quickly.

kahdeksan 8. Cook until almost thickened.

yhdeksän 9. Server hot with the chives on top.

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