In Netherlands an endive is called as wiltoof or witlof (white leaf), Itlay: indivia, Span: endivias, UK: chicory, Australia: witlof, French and Canada: endive or northern France and Luxembourg: chicon.

Endive is a leaf vegetable with a bitter taste. They are in season from spring to autumn.
In Albania, the leaves are used as spinach substitute, simmered and marinated in olive oil. In Greece, the leaves are chopped for a salad with olive oil and lemon juice. It is used in several Italian and Indian cuisines.
Endives mijotées (French
Gestoofde andijvie (Dutch/Flemish)
Geschmorte Endivien (Germany)
[Belgium is a trilingual country.]
Serves 4
8 organic Belgian endives, sliced lengthwise
1 tsp. (5 g) organic each: honey and Dijon mustard
3/4 cup (180 ml) organic orange juice
2 tsp. (10 g) organic orange zest
2 Tbs. (30 ml) olive oil
3 Tbs. (45 g) chopped organic shallot or red onion
an organic garlic clove chopped
pinch or two of Himalayan salt and black pepper
(dairy-free) cheese
2 Tbs. (30 g) sliced organic hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, unsalted pistachios, or almonds
2 tsp. (10 g) dry marjoram, oregano, basil, tarragon, dill, or rosemary
un / één / eins 1. In a jar, combine honey, mustard, orange juice and zest.
deux / twee / zwei 2. Sauté shallots/onions and garlic in oil over medium-low heat.
trois / dire / drie 3. Place endives cut side down in a pan and cook for about 2 minutes.
quatre /vier / vier 4. Turn over and cook another 2 minutes.
cinq /vijf / fünf 5. Turn the heat to medium and add the orange juice mixture.
six / aes (zes) / sechs 6. Reduce to low, cover partially with a liquid, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Save the liquid when done.
sept / zeven/ sieben 7. Transfer the endives to a large serving plate or individual plates.
huit / acht / acht 8. Add salt and pepper to the liquid and pour into the jar with the honey, mix.
neuf / negen/ neun 9. Pour over the endives.
dix / tien/ zehn 10. Top with cheese, nuts, and any of the spices to taste.