ένα / EN-a/ 1. Heat a skillet on medium, add the oil.
δύο /THEE-oh/ 2. Cook the chicken for 5 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan.
τρία /TREE-a/ 3. Add the thyme springs and onions to the skillet. Sauté for 3-5 minutes.
τέσσερα /TESS-air-uh/ 4. Add lemon juice. Scrap the bottom of the skillet with a wooden spoon.
πέντε /PEN-day/ 5. Stir in the chicken broth.
έξι /EX-ee/ 6. Add the chicken breast, top with the spinach, cover, cook for 2 minutes.
εφτά /EF-TA/ 7. Remove the lid. Add the cheery tomatoes and acrihoke heart pieces. Cook until the sauce has reduced a little, about 4 minutes.
oκτώ /oc-TOH/ 8. Whisk in the yogurt.
εννιά /en-NAY/ 9. Remove the chicken when the inside temperature is 165ºF/74ºC.
δέκα /THEK-a/ 10. Plate the chicken, top with the spinach and artichokes.
έντεκα /éndeka/ 11. Garnish with sliced lemons and thyme leaves.
For more
chicken recipes: https://veggiefernandezs.blogspot.com/search/label/chicken
Greek recipes: https://veggiefernandezs.blogspot.com/search/label/Greek